How To Increase Your Monthly Revenue by 5-10x

Using a 3-Step Process

Make your life easier and increase your monthly cash flow in the next 30 days.

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"As a traditional Tax and Accounting firm, we saw the writing on the wall.  Technology was getting better and we are tired of having to prove our value to clients. Our SmartPath Membership was the catalyst for changing our business to what it is today. We have deeper relationships with clients that provide us with consistent revenue, even during COVID-19."

Michael McGovern, Enrolled Agent
Modern Financial Care

Access Free Mini-Course

You know some of your clients should be paying more... 
How do you get them to pay more without losing them?

  • You bend over backward for your clients and you deserve to be paid your help. 

Looking for a proven process to charge more for your services?

Access FREE Mini-Course

What you'll learn...

What key elements to address when resetting your client engagements.

How to identify the 5 first clients to reset the engagement with for the best results.

How to reset your engagement so you won’t lose or alienate your clients.

How to structure your pricing so you maximize your cash flow the rest of the year.

Shortcuts to implementing this even if you’re extremely busy right now.

*BONUS* Implementation templates to get started NOW!

Increase your Monthly Cashflow by 5-10x

with 3 simple steps:

1. Update your Service Packages

Copyright LLC. 2021

  • We know how stressful it can be to discuss fees with clients when you don't want to ruin your relationship.

2. Generate 5-10x More Revenue
Per Client

3. Book high-paying clients effortlessly

About the Instructor 
Meet the SmartPath team

  • We have spent more than 12 years gathering data from 1,000+ accounting and tax firms, helping implement profitable pricing packages.
  • We’ve seen what works and what doesn’t when running a profitable, sustainable tax business.
  • We know firsthand how frustrating it is to want to help your clients, but not knowing how to get paid for that help, or where to start.